GSTIN Check Offline

Check GST number offline and also extract state with state code from GST number , For check GST number fill only GST number in 1st column and click on one click button and see status of GST number in error detail column.

Click here for download file

Instructions :
1. Click on enable content button, showing in excel.

2. After enable content save sheet and close and reopen sheet and fill -
ID - Admin
Password - 1234

Excel Shortcut Tools

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  2. no file available to download

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  4. Good job, The article looks great and so useful.

    Advance Bulk Miller

  5. Good job, The article looks great and so useful.

    Advance Bulk Miller

  6. nice post.
    { Companies in India {have made|make|are making|made} cost effectiveness their forte {and thus|and therefore|and so|thereby} {offer the|provide the|provide you with the|provide} best services {to their|for their|with their|on their} clients {around the world|all over the world|around the globe|worldwide} {at an|in an|with an} affordable cost| Unlike many careers {that involve|which involve|which entail} {going to|likely to|planning to|gonna} school {for years|for a long time|for many years|for decades} {before beginning|prior to starting|before you begin|before commencing} {to earn money|to generate money|to make money|to generate income}, careers {in this|within this|on this|with this} field offer immediate positions with immediate pay| But, {even though the|although the|although|however the} correct manipulation {of data|of information|of knowledge|of internet data} {is at|reaches|are at|is a} {the heart|one's heart|the center|the guts} {of any|associated with a|of the|from a} enterprise, {it is also|it's also|additionally it is|it is usually} {true that|correct that|factual that} {this is an|it is really an|it becomes an|it is deemed an} activity {that is|that's|which is|that is certainly} {time consuming|time intensive|time-consuming|frustrating} and repetitive| This can prepare you both with skills and {experience with|knowledge about|exposure to} data entry jobs| These countries outsource such work to a pool of educated youth working from developing nations like China, India and Malaysia|There {is no|isn't any|is not any|isn't} doubt that computers and internet are full {with various|with assorted|with some other} job opportunities}. { Initially {the task|the job|the work|the duty} CDs were {provided by|supplied by|given by|furnished by} various companies, but {due to the|because of the|as a result of|due to} {risk of|chance of|likelihood of|probability of} late delivery and transport hazards, {this method|this process|this technique|using this method} {could not|couldn't|cannot|can't} be very successful| If you can exert {more and|many|countless} produce more, {then it|it|this|that} {will all be|all will be|will be} {for the|for that|for your|to the} best|There are {numbers of|amounts of|variety of|quantities of} Professional BPO companies offering offline data entry services {along with other|as well as other|and also other|along with} data entry, processing and conversion services|- Entering information for {credit card|charge card|bank card|plastic card} application, surveys and records|Entering Information in Software: In this type, {you have to|you need to|you must|you will need to} provide software of program {as well as the|along with the|plus the|and also the} paper document| However businesses usually {does not|doesn't|will not|won't} execute these tasks {on their own|by themselves|independently|automatically} {since they|given that they|simply because they|because they} {have a|possess a|use a|have a very} complex setup of inter-related systems {which may|which might|which can|that might} perhaps be monitored individually {to ensure|to make sure|to make certain|to be sure} {whether the|if the|whether or not the|perhaps the} data under maintenance {is full of|is filled with|is stuffed with|is loaded with} purpose and integrity}.


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